Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
deu eng

Flaschenpfand (Bottle Deposit)

I met Toti Liedermachens from Braunschweig years ago at the adriAkustik. Back then we took over the hammock stage together with Mengede and from then on we met every year for a beer, a song or a chat somewhere at the festival.

Now Toti recently wrote to me – with a soundtrack attached – and the request to “play something to it”. So I did, played several ideas with piano and Wurlitzer on it and sent it all to him. With the addition of a bass track by Philip Omlor, the song Flaschenpfand was rounded off. And because every good song needs a good video, we shot a few takes in Dresden and Toti in Braunschweig. This is how the following video came into being, in full compliance with the corona ordinance, and will now remain forever in the collective memory of posterity.


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Jan Kosyk

Ateliersession @ Neustadt Art Kollektiv 7. Mar ʼ25 20:00 21:30 ics Atelier des Neustadt Art Kollektiv

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