Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
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Martha Laux und der bunte Hund

I went on a little journey with Martha Laux over a year and a half and literally accompanied her in her musical world. In the end, there were 10 songs, of which a Soundcloud profile and a songbook bear witness. I don’t want to deprive you of the band biography and the songbook itself.

Band biography

Martha Laux has been performing as a solo artist for several years, most recently with her programme “Laux und Leise”. She combined her texts with voice, piano and loop station to create an exciting story for the audience.

Jan Kosyk has been playing the piano in various jazz and folk formations for over 15 years and has acquired a wide range of improvisation possibilities and accompaniment techniques.

The duo came together in March 2017 for their first rehearsals in the project “Martha Laux und der bunte Hund” (Martha Laux and the Colourful Dog) and recorded their first CD “Wer will sagen, sie sei von Anfang an gewesen” (Who wants to say she was there from the beginning) just two months later. The two filled the summer with street music, festivals and a first tour through Thuringia, Brandenburg and Saxony. Already at the end of October they started their second tour “Auf die gemütliche Tour” through the living rooms and cafés of Berlin, Magdeburg, Leipzig and Erfurt.

By November 2017, Martha Laux and the colourful dog had shared their view of the world with audiences at a dozen street music performances and twenty concerts and developed their ninety-minute programme “Zwischen Kopf und Bauch” (Between Head and Tummy).

In April 2018, the two decided to go their separate ways musically and stopped actively working on the project. Nevertheless, several performances followed in the summer in Haldensleben, Leipzig, Bad Belzig, at the adriAkustik and in Ústí nad Labem for the Czech-German Culture Days.

Jan Kosyk developed his own solo programme “Utopien eines Realisten” (Utopias of a Realist) in the summer of 2018, linking musically to his political work. Martha Laux is currently in the process of writing a new solo programme. Despite or perhaps because of their own paths, they continue to keep in touch and always find each other on stage.



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Jan Kosyk

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