Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
deu eng

concert: Opening Event »Paintings, Animations & Politics«

engagement: Beppu Punk Cats
16. Mai 2024, 19:00 — 19:30 ics
location: Beppu Studio 01, 大分県別府市楠町14-2 財前ビル1階

Die Biene Alex putzt das Bild eines niedlichen Dinos.
大分県別府市楠町14-2 財前ビル1階
16. May
16. May

Hirai Masaya from Beppu and Jan Kosyk from Germany started making music together last year. Now – one year later – they have their first joint exhibition with cute paintings by Masaya and political animation films by Jan.

The exhibition at Beppu Space 01 will open with music on Thursday at 7 pm and offers the opportunity to admire all the works until 9 pm.


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