Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
deu eng

Paintings, Animations & Politics / 絵 アニメーション 政治

Die Biene Alex putzt das Bild eines niedlichen Dinos.

A collaborated exhibition
of Hirai Masaya and Jan Kosyk

Hirai Masaya from Beppu and Jan Kosyk from Germany started making music together last year. Now – one year later – they have their first joint exhibition with cute paintings by Masaya and political animation films by Jan.

The exhibition at Beppu Space 01 will open with music on Thursday at 7 pm and offers the opportunity to admire all the works until 9 pm.
On Friday there will be live painting from 3pm and an ominous table bell that will ring from time to time. What happens then? Let us surprise you!

The event will conclude with a joint concert on Saturday from 7 pm in the Sempervivum. We will present Japanese-German songs with elements of pop music, rock and punk.

Admission to the exhibition is free, a donation is welcome. The concert at Sempervivum costs 2,000 yen and a drink order.


別府在住のヒライマサヤとドイツ出身のヤン・コセクは昨年出会い、一緒に音楽を作りはじめました。1 年後の今、ふたりはマサヤによるかわいい絵画とヤンによる政治アニメーション映画を展示する初のコラボ展を開催します。





  • Fri 金 5/17 · 15:00 ~ 20:00 @ Beppu Studio 01
    • Exhibition, Live Painting & the Magic Hotel Bell
    • 展覧会、ライブペインティング、魔法のホテルの鐘。
    • Admission: free
  • Sat 土 5/18 · 18:30 @ Sempervivum
    • Live concert of the Beppu Punk Cats aka ヒライマサヤ & Jan Kosyk.
    • Beppu Punk CatsことヒライマサヤとJan Kosykのライブ。
    • Admission: 2.000 ¥ + drink order
  • Mon 月 5/20 · Tue 火 5/21 · Thu 木 5/23 · Fr 金 5/24 · 15:00 ~ 20:00 @ 清島アパート (Kiyoshima Apartment)
    • Open studio by Jan Kosyk on the occasion of the Artist Residency at Kiyoshima Apartment. Come and talk to Jan!


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