At the Kiyoshima Apartment we were artists in residence for three months. As a joint project, the talented Omani Frei and I developed a concept album called “Cat And The Sun”.
An album of my music with band. I love it very much!
A cassette belongs to punk, even if there are only rehearsal room recordings on it.
San bumbles through the fully automated networks and server farms of an apocalyptic Earth, shifting bits and bytes out of boredom.
As a participant in the »mp3+4 :: 4 Werke« project of the Neustadt Art Kollektiv, I was allowed to put my song Alex into a film in cooperation with the gifted painter Helena Zubler and the up-and-coming artist Alexa Paul.
Schwarzparken kostet 5 Euro und ist eine Ordnungswidrigkeit. Fürs Falschfahren kommste ins Gefängnis, weil es ist eine Straftat. Und wer hat’s erfunden? Die Nazis. Zeit, darüber aufzuklären.
This is song no. 7 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song no. 6 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song no. 5 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song no. 4 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song no. 3 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song no. 2 from the concept album “Cat And The Sun”.
This is song No 1 from the concept album »Cat And The Sun«.
At the Kiyoshima Apartment we were artists in residence for three months. As a joint project, the talented Omani Frei and I developed a concept album called “Cat And The Sun”.
Marriage is a strange thing: invented by the church to control love, it is a proof of a deep bond between people. Since people in my circle also get married from time to time, this piece of music came up.
I learned to play the piano. It’s just not always so easy to take the Bechstein grand with me on the train. That’s why I like to take my ukulele with me on the road and write a lot of songs with it. With the song Bundeswehr, I thought it actually sounded great and just skipped the step to the piano.
At the Neustadt Art Festival 2021 – at which we like to throw various ideas around on Sunday – Fabi came up with the idea that we needed a collective shanty.
In 2021 I participated in the adriAkustik Liedermachenliga, the theme was »Spätverkauf« (late shop).
On 12 June 2022, there will be an election for mayor of Dresden. Dr. Martin Schulte-Wissermann is a candidate for the Pirates. Reason enough for me to make a musical statement.
The keyword of the adriAkustik-Liedermachenliga 2020 was “Humming”. So I sat down in the Alaunpark and wrote a song about humming.
I helped occupy the POT81 auditorium in Dresden during the 2009 occupy wave. At the same time, the Occupy movement was taking place in the USA, which released a song. It was so impressive and fitting that I made a German translation and a simple piano composition for it.
The first song completely written by me, 2018 that was. Since then, I don’t play this one anymore from time to time, after all, a lot has happened and everything is evolving.
I’ve had quite a few relationships in my life. When I was desperate once again and couldn’t find anyone, I decided without further ado to simply stop looking.
I never really liked Monty Python, British humour is less my thing. Nevertheless, I found the Galaxy Song catchy and the idea of proving the absurd existence with numbers – catchy.
I have been working on successful communication for a long time. Even at the time of the occupation around 2010, I found the group dynamics exciting, but I didn’t have a name for it. Later, through Martha Laux, I got to know the training in non-violent communication by echtjetzt from Berlin. Impressed by this, I found the song Gelernt von Käptn Peng and recognised myself.
Für das jüngste Mitglied unserer WG suchten wir eine Möglichkeit der Nachtbeleuchtung. Als Tüftler wollte ich natürlich selbst etwas basteln – et voilà: Ein bunter Sternenhimmel mit einstellbarer Leuchtkraft, kombiniert mit einer Zeitschaltuhr ein autonomes System.
For the call of the art festival Begehungen 22, the wonderful Omani Frei and I applied with a concept. In the end, the concept did not make it to the shortlist, but I would like to record it here for posterity.
Project with Japanese song lyrics by Hirai Masaya and German song snippets by Jan Kosyk.
I accompanied Toti’s song “Flaschenpfand” with Wurlitzer and piano. Then a few more takes and the music video is finished.
For a few years I had the privilege of being part of the ensemble MeinKlang, which brings light and heavy themes to the stage with wit and charm, including the programme »Wir haben alle unser Päckchen zu tragen«.
Since 2018, I have been on stage alone with piano and voice. With almost forgotten cover songs and a constantly growing repertoire of my own compositions, I tell you what will make the world a better place.
Sören Bendler and Sören Heise have published a book: Nonviolent Communication in Social Work. Together with Martha Laux, the two Sörens and two actresses, we developed a musical-scenic reading, the songs of which were included on the CD accompanying the book.
I went on a little journey with Martha Laux over a year and a half and literally accompanied her in her musical world. In the end, there were 10 songs, of which a songbook bears witness.
It happened at a time when I didn’t have a band that I came across the Skaprifischer – the second oldest ska band in Dresden. I spent six long years there from 2009 to 2015, learning to hammer offbeats and play the organ.
Es gibt mehrere Arten Mate als Erfrischungsgetränk zuzubereiten. Hier wird beschrieben, welche Materialien benötigt werden, wo diese zu finden sind und wie ein Grundgetränk hergestellt wird.