Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
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Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-08-03

It’s been a while since the last daily (and it’s not called “weekly”), but I was busy creating a new Peertube instance for my videos. Now it’s ready and I’m proud to present it to you. 🥳

Nevertheless I did some artsy things like having the Songbirds concert last Saturday and doing some lead sheets for Masaya and me again. Enjoy it!

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Beppu Punk Cats

Mori Tacayoshi: »Golden Forest Exhibition« 29. Apr. ʼ24 19:00 19:45 ics 喫茶Pirica Opening Event »Paintings, Animations & Politics« 16. Mai ʼ24 19:00 19:30 ics Beppu Studio 01 Beppu Punk Cats 18. Mai ʼ24 18:30 21:00 ics Sempervivumセンペルビウム

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