Liebe & Anarchie
Jan Kosyk
deu eng


Schwarzparken kostet 5 Euro und ist eine Ordnungswidrigkeit. Fürs Falschfahren kommste ins Gefängnis, weil es ist eine Straftat. Und wer hat’s erfunden? Die Nazis. Zeit, darüber aufzuklären.

Den Song gibt’s auf meinem Album und damit auch auf den typischen Plattformen:

Live zum Neustadt Art Festival 2022



ConstrucciónJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Artwork by Omani Frei.
Dear Laura, thank you very much for your help with text correction and spelling, even if my German accent is very hard. 😅

»Construcción« by Omani Frei,


Español (Spanisch)

La tierra es roja, tan terracota.
Pero mira el brillo de sus ojos.
Con ímpetu se lanza por este universo.

El sol es suave, tan esponjoso,
siéntelo fuerte en tus oídos.
El tiempo oscila relajado,
se desliza por el espacio.

La luna se mece, tan fuerte.
¿Oyes el temblor, amigo mío?
Tiembla, hasta que la piedra y el polvo flotan.

Las estrellas bailan rítmicamente,
hacen trabajos de construcción.
Construyen una tierra tan terracota.

Atornilla aquí, gira allá.
El mecanismo funciona de maravilla.
Y mientras el mundo gira
el corazón vuela.


The earth is red, so terracotta.
But look at the gleam in its eyes.
With drive it hurtles through the universe.

The sun is soft, so fluffy,
feel it strong on your ears.
Time swings relaxed,
glides through space.

The moon rocks, so strong.
Do you hear the trembling, my friend?
It trembles, until stone and dust float.

The stars dance rhythmically,
they do construction work.
They build an earth in terracotta.

Screw here, turn there.
The mechanism works beautifully.
And as the world spins
the heart flies.



GardenJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Artwork by Omani Frei.
The sample of the Bodhran drum on is made by pogmothoin.

»Garten« by Omani Frei,


The meadows are swampy, beautiful is the blackness
Their interior steams and burns, If you lean in, you’re sure to hear it.

How it grumbles, how it rumbles, green and yellow and cinnamon
Who knows it, remembers, who doesn’t know it, remembers.

Yeah the hell, let’s give a story, tales of brighter lust.
Just by the tree outside the gate, we hear the fairy’s dust.
Gob’lins dance, trolls tinkle, orcs will pamper us.
Naked on a veranda, the rabbit and his bust.

High above in that vast’ness, there flies a cat.
Three-coloured she glides along, the sun is her companion.
Do you remember, how it will be once: beautiful, colourful, dirty.
Today no worries, round and round, we’re dancing till the moon.

The porcupine beats his drums, cloggy as the snow today,
Koalas draw daisy flowers, painted with raffia brushes.
If you don’t look closely – with half a tooth deaf –
won’t see it from a far way, the magic in the bushes.

Devil’s part is certain, he promises better mornings.
God is in lustful retreat, this day will soon be hist’ry.
Then she roars the hell together: Hooray the world is ending!
Sheeps are whistling, pigs are dancing, mankind was never existing.

When then the world stands at the end, in five of billion of years,
the sun will be bloated, we can hardly wait.
Ants and crocodiles will sing: Folk, now listen to the signals!
And if the folk keep on that dream, it will never more be late.

The orc elf with the tight dress, smart and fierce for herself,
she stands in the garden, eating the biscuits: Go away!
In the Bodden near Asgard, all lies down there swampy,
Get used to it, I’ll see you soon, and have a punky day!



溶けたアイスJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Artwork by Omani Frei.
For the individual lyrics I would like to thank Kaede Taniguchi, Nanami Tsuchiya, Ryosuke Ueno, 由美 Yumi Kobayashi, Saikishimin and Teppei.
For help with melody finding and pronunciation, my special thanks go to Hirai Masaya.

»溶けたアイス« by Omani Frei,


On March 9, 2024, Hirai Masaya and me played at タプ屋さん our second Yeah Man! German! concert.


日本語 (Japanisch)


午後も やること いっぱい
畳で ごろごろ


毎日日向ぼっこして いるねこさん、羨ましい

日の光を 吸いこんで

路上の夢を 見ているから
明日のことも かんがえない

まるくなって すやすや
こっちにおいで ふわふわちゃん
ごきげんな たいよう
ピンクの ゆうやけ


Four cats running around in the attic

There is a lot to do in the afternoon
Don’t do it on tatami

Another cat pooped in the garden today
I chased it away
By making strange noises

A cat sleeps on a manhole
And a cat sleeps in the shade
I envy the cat
Who basks in the sun every day

Like melted ice cream
Soaking up the sunlight

I dream on the street
I don’t even think about tomorrow

Curled up, dozing
Come here, fluffy friend
The sun is laughing
Setting in the pink sky.



МирJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Credits: Artwork by Omani Frei.

»Мир« by Omani Frei,


Русский/Українська (Russian/Ukrainian)

Я иду по улице,
Кот идет по улице.
Это наша улица.
Это наша улица.

Я люблю суверенитет!
Я люблю самоопределение!
Я люблю свободу!
Я люблю жизнь!

Солнце светит надо мной.
Солнце светит над котом.
Это наше солнце.
Это наше солнце.

Я люблю суверенитет!
Я люблю самоопределение!
Я люблю свободу!
Я люблю жизнь!

Я йду по вулиці
Кіт іде по вулиці
Це наша вулиця
Це наша вулиця

Любимо суверенітет!
Любимо самовизначення!
Любимо свободу!
Любимо життя!


I’m walking down the street,
The cat’s walking down the street.
This is our street.
This is our street.

I love sovereignity!
I love self-determination!
I love freedom!
I love life!

The sun shines on me.
The sun shines on the cat.
That’s our sun.
That’s our sun.

I love sovereignity!
I love self-determination!
I love freedom!
I love life!

I’m walking down the street
The cat’s walking down the street.
This is our street
This is our street

We love sovereignity!
We love self-determination!
We love freedom!
We love life!



TycaJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Credits: Artwork by Omani Frei.

»Tyca« by Omani Frei,


Serbski (Sorbian)

Micka źo na pódpołudnjo
chapja se_mrocyś, lubše luź!
Micka rejujo na mrokach
była pśełapjon’ až tšach

Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
zgromadnje ze słyncom?

Wót słyńca buźo pśeraźone
za micku była šopły dešć
Gaž micka se_myjo, pśiźo woglěd
słyńco, woglěd, jadnorogac

Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
zgromadnje ze słyncom

Chtož micka w_měchu kupijo
źe s’njedajom wobšuźiś
Gaž micka jo z domu
ga_maju myšy swóju wólu

Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
zgromadnje ze słyncom

Słynco źo na pódpołudnjo
chapja se_mrocyś, lubše luź!
Słynco rejujo na mice
było pśełapjon’ až tšach

Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
Jo micka wuwlakła ta tyca
zgromadnje ze słyncom

Micka źo na pódpołudnjo
chapja se_mrocyś, lubše luź!
Słynco źo na pódpołudnjo
micka, wóstań micka
micka, wóstań micka
micka, wóstań micka


Kitten moves south
dear people, clouds are coming!
Kitten dances on the clouds
it’s fallen down

Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow
Along with the sun?

The sun brings it to light,
For the kitten it rains warm
When the kitten cleans itself, a visitor comes.
Sun, visitor, unicorn

Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow
Along with the sun?

Who buys a kitten in a bag
I don’t buy a kitten in a bag
When the kitten’s out of the house
the mice will get their will.

Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow
Along with the sun?

The sun is moving south,
Dear people, clouds are gathering!
The sun dances on the kitten
and has fallen down.

Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow,
Has the kitten eaten the rainbow
Along with the sun?

Kitten is heading south,
Dear people, clouds are coming!
The sun is heading south,
Kitty, stay kitten
Kitty, stay kitten
Kitty, stay kitten


Cavallo Infinite

Cavallo InfiniteJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Artwork by Omani Frei.
Also a big thank to Omani for helping me create an italian text, that is pronounceable for me. 🥳

»Cavallo Infinite« by Omani Frei,


Italiano (Italian)

Cosi si fa! Cosi si fa!
Cosi si fa! Sempre di piu!

La mucca famosa camina a casa,
Mangia la pasta nel vestito cattivo.
Il gatto suona il pianoforte.
La madre balla, il sole canta:
Piccolo! Lontano! Secolo!

Stasera i pantaloni vanno a rilento.
La bicicletta nera camina con vino.
Patata sinistra canta: Uno, Due, Ciao!
Ma la figlia fa piacere
a guardare pasta suonare.
Stasera la barca va
da sola nella cittá.

Il cavallo infinite sente il momente.
La mattina classica vive nella luna.
Il maestro ha pensato:
Chi ha rubato il pesce quadrato?
Mi fa male la testa, quando l’aqua perde il colore.


Way to go! Way to go!
Way to go! More and more!

The famous cow walks home,
She eats pasta in her naughty dress.
The cat plays the piano.
The mother dances, the sun sings:
Little! Far! Century!

Tonight the trousers are going slow.
The black bicycle rides with wine.
Left potato sings: One, Two, Hello!
But the daughter takes pleasure
watching pasta play.
Tonight the boat goes
alone in the city.

The endless horse feels the moment.
The classical morning lives in the moon.
The master thought:
Who stole the square fish?
My head hurts when the water loses its colour.



TanzJan Kosyk & The Beppu Punk Cats (CC BY-SA 4.0) – Download

Credits: Artwork by Omani Frei.

»Tanz« by Omani Frei,



Tanz! Tanz! Tanz! Tanz!
Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring!
Tanz! Tanz! Tanz! Tanz!
Hüpf! Hüpf Hüpf! Hüpf!

Die Katze blau wie Grashalmsaft
Wasser grau viel Freude schafft
Hund und Huhn aus Lethargie
Bunt und kühn die Harmonie

Wellen rund wie sondersgleichen
Quallen sind am Frösche laichen
Grün der Bär und heiß der Wald
die Sonne hell, es ist soweit

Pinienwald nah an der Wüste
Schuppen zart wie frischer Schnee
Drache – Springmaus – Ozean
mit schwarzem Fell, juchhe!

Biwafrucht auf Mamorboden
Suche, finde, nichts verboten
Lange Pause, Tusch in Moll
Tanz des Mondes, ach wie toll!

Rosa Rock im Regenschein
Tropfen klar im Sonnenhain
Maulwurf sagt dir: Gute Nacht
bald ist der Mond zuhaus

Orangenumbra, indigo
Dichter war der Wiesenfloh
Es grölen laut zum Tanze
die Sonne und die Katze!


Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!

The cat blue as grass blade juice
Water grey creates much joy
Dog and chicken from lethargy
Colourful and bold harmony

Waves round like peculiar
Jellyfish are spawning frogs
Green the bear and hot the forest
the sun bright, it is time

Pine forest close to the desert
Scales as soft as fresh snow
dragon – jumping mouse – ocean
with black fur, whoop!

Biwa fruit on marble soil
Search, find, nothing forbidden
Long pause, flourish in minor key
Dance of the moon, oh how great!

Pink skirt in the rain
Drops clear in the sunshine grove
Mole says good night to you
soon the moon will be home

Orange umbra, indigo
The poet was the meadow flea
They bawl loudly to the dance
the sun and the cat!


Cat And The Sun

While travelling the world, we made a stopover in Beppu, Japan. At the Kiyoshima Apartment we were artists in residence for three months. As a joint project, the talented Omani Frei and I developed a concept album called »Cat And The Sun«. Now there are seven songs in seven languages, each with its own artwork.

Cover »Cat And The Sun«


The songs are available here, on the well-known streaming platforms and as a booklet with CD or tape. You have the full choice.

Artworks: Omani Frei

»Tanz« by Omani Frei,

01 Tanz

»Cavallo Infinite« by Omani Frei,

02 Cavallo Infinite

»Tyca« by Omani Frei,

03 Tyca

»Мир« by Omani Frei,

04 Мир

»溶けたアイス« by Omani Frei,

05 溶けたアイス

»Garten« by Omani Frei,

06 Garden

»Construcción« by Omani Frei,

07 Construcción

Booklet with CD & Tape

There is a limited edition of 42 CDs and 21 tapes. Both are available in the online shop of the Neustadt Art Kollektiv on Etsy.

The booklet for the CD contains edited photographs from Beppu. Each photo shows places that is somehow important to us and with which we are connected by a story. The respective song lyrics are incorporated into the photos.


During the residency, I produced reports at irregular intervals. The last month is then no longer recorded, as the work on the project took up a lot of time.

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-09-15

    Today there will be no direct video of me. Instead I’ll recommend you the recordings of the Wohnzimmer concert from last Sunday. Masaya-san and me created some kind of unique japanese-german punk-folk-rock genre, where music connects people, meanings, pictures and languages. Enjoy it!

    For more videos look into the Wohnzimmer concert event.

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-09-09

    This week was full of art. \o/ I tell you timely backwards our todays presentation for Beppu Art Month, my plan to have flyers of our exhibtions and concerts for the Art Fair Beppu, the new song of the CATS project in Italian language from Thursday with Hirai Masaya and a rehearsal of Nihongo-German songs from Wednesday. Much music, some pictures. Have fun!

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-08-26

    It’s nearly two weeks since the last daily, but I have my reasons. 😃 Today I gonna tell you some useful AI things I’ve done for the Neustadt Art Festival website and you’ll get some music: A spontaneous session at Watanabe Tomishoten and songs I rehearsed with Hirai Masaya. Have fun!

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-08-12

    Right now there are quite a lot exhibitions and concerts and we try to catch some of them. In addition we installed a small cinema at Kurukuru. And I’m working on Cat And The Sun and the second song is ready for prepublishing it here. Have fun! 🎸🎶🎻🎵

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-08-05

    Today you’ll see another unboxing of music equipment (How exciting! 😝), the first impression of the first verse of the first song of the project Cat And The Sun and a surprise at the end.

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-08-03

    It’s been a while since the last daily (and it’s not called “weekly”), but I was busy creating a new Peertube instance for my videos. Now it’s ready and I’m proud to present it to you. 🥳

    Nevertheless I did some artsy things like having the Songbirds concert last Saturday and doing some lead sheets for Masaya and me again. Enjoy it!

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-07-29

    Today you’ll get some impressions of doing “musician things” like texting and rehearsing and a little timelaps building an improvised Piñata. 🪅

  • Kiyoshima Artist Daily :: 2023-07-26

    The first one is directly about the project »Cat And The Sun«. In this project I’ll write seven songs in seven languages and Omani will do seven artworka.

    Furthermore you can listen to some snippets from a rehearsal of Hirai Masaya and me earlier this day.

Haus an der Brücke (House By The Bridge)

Marriage is a strange thing: invented by the church to control love, it is a proof of a deep bond between people. Since people in my circle also get married from time to time, this piece of music came up.

At the time of production I was on a trip to East Asia and worked entirely with LMMS, Ardour, GarageBand on the iPod Touch and the laptop mic. The artwork is AI-generated. 🤖🎵🖼️🤖

Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces)

I learned to play the piano. It’s just not always so easy to take the Bechstein grand with me on the train. That’s why I like to take my ukulele with me on the road and write a lot of songs with it.

With the song Bundeswehr, I thought it actually sounded great and just skipped the step to the piano.


I am lucky to be part of the best collective this side of the Elbe, the Neustadt Art Kollektiv. It is this collective that organises the annual Neustadt Art Festival, where we like to throw various ideas around on Sundays.

Fabi came up with the idea in 2021 that we needed a collective shanty. Ok, I thought, and started and a little more than a year later the recording followed – of course with the whole collective. Rumour has it that there will be a video soon…

The song

Kollektivshanty · Atelieraufnahme · Text: Jan Kosyk / Musik: Irische Folklore

The text

Spätverkauf (late shop)

Every year, the adriAkustik Liedermachenfestival calls for the Liedermachenliga. In this league, a song has to be written within four weeks on a given theme or keyword.

In 2021 I took part in it, the theme was Spätverkauf (late shop). As an old jazzman, I stole the harmony and melody from the 1930s “All of Me” and put lyrics to it: An ode to late shops!

Live recording of the competition

Live concert in Beppu with Hirai Masaya


msw wird ob

On 12 June 2022, there will be an election for mayor of Dresden. Dr. Martin Schulte-Wissermann is a candidate for the Pirates. Reason enough for me to make a musical statement.


Jan Kosyk – msw wird ob | Download


Text and chords


The keyword of the adriAkustik-Liedermachenliga 2020 was “Humming”. So I sat down in the Alaunpark and wrote a song about humming. Now this word doesn’t even appear in it, only twice someone “hums”. The result is a story full of utopias that clears up this employer/employee doctrine.

Update: As part of the »mp3+4 :: 4 Werke« project, a music video is being produced for it. 🥳

Alex · Virtuose Vibes Tonstudio Dresden 2022 · Text & Musik: Jan Kosyk


Besetzt (Occupied)

I helped occupy the POT81 auditorium in Dresden during the 2009 occupy wave. At the same time, the Occupy movement was taking place in the USA, which released a song. It was so impressive and fitting that I made a German translation and a simple piano composition for it.

Besetzt · Kunst unterm Dach/Neustadt Art Festival 2022 · Text: Jan Kosyk
Live concert with Hirai Masaya on March 9, 2024 at タプ屋さん in Beppu/Japan.


Innen ein Punk (A punk inside)

The first song completely written by me, 2018 that was. Since then, I don’t play this one anymore from time to time, after all, a lot has happened and everything is evolving.

Innen ein Punk · Rehearsal room 2018 · Text & Musik: Jan Kosyk


Lied der Galaxie (Galaxy Song)

I never really liked Monty Python, British humour is less my thing. Nevertheless, I found the Galaxy Song catchy and the idea of proving the absurd existence with numbers – catchy. I translated the song into German and wrote a piano version.

Lied der Galaxy · Rehearsal room recording 2018 · Musik: Monty Python · Text: Jan Kosyk

Duo Sonnenschirm – Das Universum

Funnily enough, I learned at the La Libertad festival 2021 that the Duo Sonnenschirm had the same idea back in 1993. You can find their version of the Galaxy Song on YouTube.



I’ve had quite a few relationships in my life. When I was desperate once again and couldn’t find anyone, I decided without further ado to simply stop looking. And – yes, I can already hear your sceptical intake of breath – no sooner had I made this decision than a wonderful evening and a tender night happened.

Groupie · Tonaufnahme Der Audiograph. 2018 · Text & Musik: Jan Kosyk


Was ich brauche (What I need)

I have been working on successful communication for a long time. Even at the time of the occupation around 2010, I found the group dynamics exciting, but I didn’t have a name for it. Later, through Martha Laux, I got to know the training in non-violent communication by echtjetzt from Berlin. Impressed by this, I found the song Gelernt von Käptn Peng and recognised myself. I rewrote parts of it. You can find it on my merch CD, in my programme and on the echtjetzt CD by Martha and me.


deu eng


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